Well Crappy New Year to you too! Every day I wake up is a victory in itself, but once I get past that segment of my gratitude practice I'm a grumble bear. Don't poke me. Actually, ACTUALLY, it's not that bad if you like time warps. We're back to hunkering down in our comfy clothes with our comfort foods and reading and bingeing Netflix and lighting candles making the best of it circa March 2020. It's not like coziness isn't my top priority in general, it's just that I want to choose that hygge life. It's a drag having it forced on us again for fear of our lives. Whatever whatever, we got through that and we'll get through this. I wrote this entry one year ago today and you know the wild turn that day took so I'm not going to jinx anything by getting publicly excited or hopeful about anything. I don't dare, ok? We're here, hello, that will have to do.
In the first entry of last year I set a few goals, a big one being, "This year I am going to get my damn book published and finish a draft of the sequel." That did not happen, obviously. All is not lost in that arena however, as I got a bunch of people in my life to read and give me feedback on my current manuscript and I did learn a lot about the query process and did a ton of research about agents. The next few months, now, are dedicated to sending out queries to literary agents, and while I wait to hear back, finishing a basic outline of the second book. I don't usually employ an outline when I write, but read a bit of wisdom that said if you're going to write a series, wait until the first book is set in stone before you write the second in its entirety because changes might be made to the first that would seriously affect the sequel. I just need to be writing something, is the point. And that's all she wrote for today.