Some of you who know me from way back know that I took guitar lessons in the early 2000s. I was already in the better-late-than-never stage of my life at that time, and when I made the decision to get started (with all that optimism and, more importantly, that sweet, sweet non-child-having free time I took for granted) I was happily on my way to acquiring something I've always wanted: musical talent. Well. I took weekly lessons for about a year, and definitely learned some basics. I wasn't a quick study, but I felt like I was making progress, and was pretty sure that I'd get the hang of it until 1) my teacher got a new gig and stopped teaching, 2) I never got a new teacher, 3) I lost the motivation to practice, and 4) my cheapo acoustic broke right in half. The point is, the musical talent never showed up, but the potential never actually went away, I just let it go. The other day I woke up really wanting to play again, and so, because I can, I'm getting a new guitar.
Nothing is promised, not one more second, I am inordinately aware of this, especially, er, well you don't need me to go into detail about what's special about these times. In the wake of my guitar resolution, I was doing the math on my existence and it turns that, due to factors such as my particular genetic makeup, the odds favor that I haven't yet reached the halfway point of my life. Yeah I'll be 50 in a few years and I'm middle aged no matter how you look at it, but so? That's still so much potential time. Time to learn guitar. Time to get my book published and to keep writing. Time for so many adventures and experiences and why not? Because I'm not young anymore? How dumb, what a shame it would be to lose out because I've been brainwashed by Youth is King culture.
I wouldn't go so far to say that I'm aging gracefully, I don't think the word "grace" applies to me in any way shape or form, but I can extend grace to myself. I intend to age joyfully, and that includes being loving to myself, even my changing body and face. I don't begrudge anyone doing whatever makes them happy, and I haven't sworn against any eventual procedures or interventions because you never know, but due to my contrary nature and having lived long enough to question the standards of what makes someone acceptable in our society, I just don't want any part of it. The diets and the botox and the fillers and the desperate clinging to a game that nobody wins. I want beauty standards to be different, I want that for us. I want physical appearance to matter less, I want that for all of us. I'm getting older and that's great! I celebrate getting as old as I possibly can, and I know it comes with a ton of downsides (health and quality of life is obviously a consideration) but I have my own list of upsides and even putting aside the passions I have yet to chase, I have my kid and my niece and nephews I need to see grow up. I'm betting on my FOMO being powerful enough to add at least five years.
Whether I even want to see what comes next in this deteriorating hellscape is another matter altogether, but for its own sake, I think growing old is a privilege and I'm ready to be the ornery arthritic guitar strumming fuck next door who will probably still be writing sex scenes and everybody will just have to deal with it.
This is my hopeful post for the year, don't spend it all in one place.