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Posted by Saul Good and Co. on 02/25/2020 at 01:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
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I'm rolling out of a three-day weekend and into a four-day weekend. Can't hate on that. HR isn't exactly getting a proper February vacation, but as long as he gets to sleep in and spend the majority of days in pajamas, he isn't complaining. We're heading up to the place where I grew up to hang out with family for a few days, and I always look forward to going. I haven't lived there for over 25 years, I made my home here in Massachusetts with my own little family and that's the chosen home of my life, but that other place up north will always be home home, you know what I mean? Yes it has to do with my parents and grandmother being there, and in my same childhood house to boot, but something else I can't quite name will always make it "home" for me, even if and when the last of my loved ones have relocated one way or the other. I'm glad I don't live there anymore myself for eleven thousand reasons, but the pull of home remains powerful. When I'm in my parents' house, that's where I automatically access my most nostalgic, indulgent self. I still get the sense I've had since adolescence that I wasn't meant to stay and that I belong elsewhere, but there's a certain comfort of the illusion that going back is an option, even if it's an option I can't ever see myself taking. I think that's what "home" is, when you get right down to it, a concept, a custom dream-build, something you can choose to buy into, or not, a fun-house mirror to shatter or to reshape your reflection to fit. It's never quite what you think it is, even when you think you're there. Not to get too overwhelmingly philosophical on a Wednesday afternoon, and like I said I'm excited to go, but it never fails to shock me that I'm still surprised when I'm reminded that I write and re-write and examine my complicated history with the place I call home and always will. It's no coincidence. It's business never to be finished. It is... it just is.
Posted by Saul Good and Co. on 02/19/2020 at 04:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Posted by Saul Good and Co. on 02/14/2020 at 12:04 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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All right so for the past 21 days Mike and I have been doing a cleanse, per our friends' enthusiastic recommendation. The one we embarked on entailed a mostly vegan diet (some lean protein is added halfway through), no sugar, grains, caffeine, alcohol. Not even beans. Lots of supplements, though. Even if you eat well 80% of the time like we do, it's a lot to drop from your diet at once, but we said why not, and did it. It's over as of today, and I'm honestly not interested in going into it too much but I have a few comments.
Posted by Saul Good and Co. on 02/11/2020 at 10:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Posted by Saul Good and Co. on 02/04/2020 at 12:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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