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Happy (almost) birthday. And I just want to take a moment to say that I think you ROCK! I think you are a hella talented writer and I just want to put it out there that one day when you get published and you are doing a book signing and I come up with my book and give you the special online wink from our days back in d-land I will hopefully get an extra exclamation mark when you sign my copy! And so far my 2 months experience in of being 45 isn't so bad :)

Dawn Emerman

You are the sweetest, thank you so much! XOXOXO


my eyes carry old words.
soft as clay pulled from
ought-clear nocturnal streambeds
which run dream-swift.
flotsam of the past,
glance and patter like butterfly 'lashes,
and which even in piecemeal and dream-logged
drip nectar,
emulsed by years' longing,
clear and pure and deep.

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