Good Monday, Derllls! Is it even Thanksgiving time if I'm not publicly losing my mind about it? Guess we'll never find out. Yesterday was an utterly miserable day around these parts, all cold and rainy and fit only for ducks, but we had a lot to do and so I made my family get out of bed and put on clothing and get our shopping done in advance of a day to be spent in household blitz mode. It was so icky out and shopping the Sunday before Thanksgiving is a dumb idea to begin with and there was so much left to be done on top of that and my kid loooooves his pajama Sundays so he was grumpy at a 9th grade level and the day had all the ingredients of being the worst of all time. Then, on the ride to the store, I started thinking about how what we were doing was going out to spend money on a big feast to share with our loved ones and it wasn't going to put us into debt and we're so lucky for all the love and the health we would be surrounding ourselves with over the course of the long weekend and even though our house will probably always be more shambles than not despite our best efforts, it's a good, sound, welcoming house and it's ours. Plus a million tiny other reasons kept popping. It really helped me fix my attitude, and turned the day around for me. We ran into a rad friend at the store who made HR smile (typically impossible if he's not in the mood), we got everything done on the outside that needed doing, then we spent the rest of the day hovering around each other like contented bees in service of getting ship-shape for hosting. When I plunked myself on the couch at the end of the evening, my heart was grateful and satisfied. WHAT A NERD! I just love Thanksgiving and I love youse guys and I don't care who knows it.
Happy happy, put a little light on in your heart for me and I'll do the same.