Someone once said, "Don't be sad because it's over, be glad because it happened." To that someone I say, "Shut up. Just shut the fuck up."
Was I not JUST on the train with HR, happily chugging our way to Maine, anticipating a surprise birthday party for my brother? Didn't I just a second ago sit on the deck playing with my nephew, the day stretching before me? Were we not an eyeblink ago having a pre-show cocktail at the tiki bar before my brother's band took the stage? And then rocking out during the first set, the second, the third, the encore? I looked forward to everything for so long, and then I was suddenly stuck in ridiculous traffic, headed back to post-fun regular life. Not that there's anything wrong with my regular life, on the contrary, I have a rather enviable quotidian set-up, or at least, I'm into it. But when you wait and wait and wait for something and then the wait is over an it's behind you, it's a tough go. In my experience, anyway. I am nostalgic by nature and I hate when things are over. It takes me awhile to re-acclimate.
That said, to look back, I can say I had a great time BEING over the fast few days. Being with people I love insanely and enjoying their company and good times. I was keenly aware of it while I was surrounded with the baby snuggles and the music (NPBT, you guys were incredible--the crowd loved you--and it was one of the most fun live music experiences of my life) and bringing up jokes with old friends. And I appreciate how awesome everyone in my life is and the patience and care and love of my mother, always taking on the child-minding while the rest of us are out carousing, and Mike, hustling to get up to us. It was another shining weekend in my life. I'm sad to say goodbye to it, but you do what you gotta. Once I get over that hump, the weekdays rise in estimation.