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You've always been hot



Perfect reference, per ushe. XO


I remember once watching a wedding dress show (don't judge) and the bride was this beautiful woman who was a firewoman I believe and she had been hurt on the job so she hadn't worked in months and hadn't worked out either. She put on dress after dress and none worked and she hated the way she looked - everyone else including me thought she was out of her head. NOW though I get it. When I don't exercise - any form - I feel out of sorts. I feel frumpy and don't hold my head up as high as when I am exercising. It's a mental thing I know. But I just wanted to say I totally get it. I'm also dealing with heel problems but thankfully they are almost gone (I give most credit to my orthotics which make me sound ancient but it's true). Now I just have to find cute sandals that won't hurt my feet or better yet fit my orthotics - oh how far I've fallen after turning 40! LOL


Isn't it bananas? I'm glad your heel's better! Thanks, lady. XO

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