Valentine's Day has never been a remarkable part of my romantic life. Mike and I still get each other cards, but that's about it. IDGAF about flowers or jewelry, and we go out to dinner pretty much any time we want, so we don't really observe. HR has his first Valentine's party at school today, and it makes me nostalgic for a time when it meant something to me. Mainly in childhood and adolescence, and always with family and friends, not dudes. My Pup was the king of Valentine's. He always had a little something for his "little sweethearts" which is what he called his grandchildren. Nik and I always made a big deal out of the day, even when one of us had a boyfriend. One year we had a tea party at my house, and we always wrote mushy cards to one another. Conversation hearts were our thing, even into adulthood. I remember receiving a stale box from her in Paris when I was doing my semester there junior year. I might have actually saved the box somewhere, I hope I did. Gah, I'll never stop missing those Valentines of mine. It makes me want to make sure I do something special for my boy, even if it is a stupid made up holiday. This heart bleeds sap, and don't you forget it.
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