This weekend was simple and simply awesome. HR voluntarily conquered a big scary slide at a street festival, and we did some fall-tastic mucking about at an orchard, but otherwise nothing extraordinary happened. It was just so nice to spend leisurely time with my husband and son (ok, the husband-person did have to work way too much, but the time we did have together was quality). Homelife is cool.
Worklife, on the other hand, is testing me, hard. This Monday has been so haywire, I can only conclude that its happening on the heels of last week's declaration that I would work on being a bigger person is the result of an elaborate punking. Are there hidden cameras around here? Am I the new Truman Show? So far I've kept an even keel, but come ON. Who knows what will happen if the craziness here actually portends the new normal. Adjust, I guess, or if I can't, move on. Even after an especially trying few hours, I'm feeling like everything else in my life is great to the point that I can deal with the not-great as long as I need to.
Today I heard Southern Cross by CSN, and I had JUST been thinking about how tomorrow would have been my dear friend Niki's birthday. That song always makes me think of her, and it was too much of a coincidence to bear. I've been doing all right the past few months in terms of accepting her death, but everyone who's ever lost someone knows that things like songs and special occasions will never stop poking at the bruise. And goddammit, 38 is too few years to not get any more birthdays. Big hugs to everyone lucky enough to have Nik in their lives, tomorrow's going to be a tough one.