I miss writing in here regularly. I miss reading like I used to. The tradeoff, of course, has been worth an entire squandered library. And to my utter delight, the baby avenger--who will be one year old at the end of this month!!!--is still mad for books. He's loving Karen Katz's open-the-flap series, as well as most touch-and-feel books. And if anything has a picture of Elmo on it, stand back. I hope to start reading to him from Winnie-the-Pooh and Charlotte's Web (which we read while he was in utero) as well as some of my own other childhood favorites, but I'm not in a rush. He seems to have internalized the power of a good story, and gets excited when, as part of our bedtime routine, I remind him of the books we'll read before lights out. The same three books every night, and he's still psyched. That's my boy.
As for the Mama, I flew through the (as-promised) fantastic Hunger Games trilogy. True to my Empire Strikes Back-loyal love of an ambiguous ending, Catching Fire was my favorite. Each book deserves its own post, but for now, they won't be getting them here. I'm looking forward to the film adaptations, especially since Jennifer Lawrence was cast as Katniss. That actress was something special in Winter's Bone. I'm currently biting my nails through Stephen King's Under the Dome and after that I've got E. Lockhart's Real Live Boyfriends up in the queue. I'm loving the King book, but I don't know if I can wait until I finish it to tear into the latest adventures of Ruby Oliver. I've been experiencing Roo withdrawal for years.
On the writing front, this is where I've been spending most of my time these days. It's a personal blog, and it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I do occasionally get on a rant there so if you've find yourself missing those (right), that's where it'll be most likely to turn up.
Still, I'm not ready to vacate this space by a long shot.
Written material copyright Dawn A. Emerman 2011